My YŪ Trim Fit Addiction

The very first YŪ Supplement I was introduced to was the Trim Fit.  A friend of mine had been drinking it daily and sharing her reviews online.  I watched her for a little bit before reaching out to her.   She shared how much she was loving the Trim Fit and recommended that I give it a try!  I grabbed it that day.  I honestly didn’t expect it to work, nor did I expect to fall in love with the Trim.  Immediately upon drinking it the first time, I felt the surge of clean energy.  I love how it tastes.  So delicious - very berry flavor!  The steady natural energy it provides was unlike anything I had used before.  No jitters and no crashes later in the day as it wore off!  

The clean energy I have been referring to comes from the natural caffeine in the Kenyan Purple Tea, which is a main ingredient in the Trim Fit.  More energy means you will feel like moving your body more.  Anything that makes you want to get up and move your body more – whether it’s walking, exercise, playing in the yard with your kids, etc – is always good!   This tea also contains a unique polyphenol called GHG.  This has been shown to break down fats so the body can more easily digest them.  Decreasing fat mass is definitely a bonus! 

One of the biggest things I noticed after drinking the Trim Fit was how I stopped craving junk food.  I didn't even want it.  The Indian Caralluma Fimbriata is an active ingredient in the Trim Fit.  This plant is an edible cactus from India. It had been used as an appetite suppressant for Indians for years when they would go on long hunts and during times of famine.  When you eat less, it forces your body to burn its fat reserves.  This potentially can lead to weight loss.  

I drink Trim Fit twice a day.  I’ve been doing this for almost 2 years now.  I mix a scoop in my 40 oz water tumbler and sip on it!  It’s seriously so good.  Typically I drink one in the morning when I walk/workout and another in the afternoon for a pick-me-up.  I do not get bothered by caffeine much so I have no trouble doing this.  If you are one who is sensitive to caffeine, you may want to start with a ½ scoop and see how that does for you.  I know several, including my mom, who only use ½ a scoop and still have great success.  

As you can tell, I am a huge fan of the Trim Fit.  It helped me reach my weight loss goals in 2023.  I still continue to take it daily because I love the natural energy it gives.  If you want to give it a try as well, click the link below.  My code KALEE15 saves on the whole site.  It even stacks on discounted bundles and subscriptions. 


My YŪ Charge Pre Workout