My YŪ Creatine Supplement

Did you know the most researched supplement in the world is Creatine?  As much as I love supplements, I did not really know much about Creatine until last year.  I did a little research myself and decided to try it.  The more that I have learned about creatine, the more I love it and highly recommend it.  

YU just launched a brand new Creatine, and I am so excited to share all the information with you.  I’ve been testing it out for a few weeks, and can honestly say I LOVE it!!  One big advantage is that the YU Creatine contains two types of creatine – Monohydrate and HCL.  I personally can tell the difference with this one vs my previous brand that only had one type of creatine.  This one really seems to work so much better for my body.   

The Creatine Monohydrate is the most widely researched creatine out there.  It is the most well-known and most used creatine also.  Because it is the most used, we know that it is safe and effective.  The YU Creatine specifically has micronized the Monohydrate Creatine so that it absorbs better in your body.  

The second type of Creatine is the HCL.  The HCL Creatine is molecularly bonded with Hydrochloric Acid.  The Hydrochloric Acid helps it absorb quicker and makes it more easily absorbed by your muscle cells.  This specific creatine was added because of the extensive research and proof of how well it absorbs in the body.  Putting good nutrients in your body will not benefit you any if it is not able to be absorbed.  

Perhaps you are wondering what is creatine exactly and why should you take it?  For years many people thought it was just a “body-building” supplement.  However after all the research and studies that has gone into this subject, it has been shown to be beneficial for everyone.  Creatine is stored in the muscles and it benefits muscle performance.  Creatine helps boost the production of ATP.  ATP is our body’s natural energy source.   So in short, creatine helps boost your body’s natural energy!  95% of creatine is stored in your muscles and 5% is stored in your brain.  Creatine provides your muscles with energy and also your brain with energy.  Because of the increased energy, creatine helps reduce fatigue in your muscles and your brain.  Another benefit of creatine is that it boosts athletic performance.  Obviously when you have more energy, you will be able to get more out of your workouts.

When you should take creatine is a topic often discussed and debated.  There are benefits to both taking before your workout or after your workout.  Some say before a workout because it can boost your energy right away and help with the workout.  Many say after your workout because your body is depleted and ready to absorb any nutrients you put into it.  Your body is specifically lacking ATP immediately following a workout and the creatine could replenish it quickly.  Whichever you decide – pre workout or post workout – just be consistent.   Consistency is key with any supplement.  Your body runs on a 24 hour cycle.  So you should be replenishing it with the nutrients it needs every 24 hours consistently!  

The majority of adults consume about 2-4g of creatine naturally every day.  Creatine can come from what your body naturally produces and also from meat, shrimp, or animal milk.  Our bodies need a minimum of 5g of creatine daily to function better.  This is the minimum, but there is no harm in getting more than that.  The YU Creatine has 5g of Creatine.  This ensures that you get your minimum every single day. 

The YU Creatine is also unflavored.  You can mix this with just water or feel free to add it to your favorite beverage.  Because it is unflavored, you will not be able to detect it in any drink.  I have been mixing it with my Charge Pre Workout.  

The most common question I get about creatine is “Do you notice any bloating and is it hard on your kidneys?”  I have had NO bloating with the YU Creatine.  I have heard that is a common issue with other brands, and I LOVE that it is not with this one.  Drinking extra water when you take creatine is essential.  This will prevent any extra work for your kidneys and will help with muscle recovery!  

Overall I am very highly impressed with this new YU Creatine.  I am also excited for you all to try it as well!  As with all my YU products, you can use my code KALEE15 to save.  You can stack it on already discounted bundles and subscriptions. Shop using the link below!   


My YŪ Charge Pre Workout


My Current Supplement Routine